Monday, October 31, 2005

I'm back

Ok i'm back. Took last week off work for a little sit at home and do nothing vacation. Well actually I played Mr. Mom. My wife had to go out of town for some training for her job. So i stayed home to take care of the girls. But i only had one girl at home, my oldest. My wife's youngest stayed with her grandmother.

So I had the chance to spend some time with my daughter, which was a good thing. We really needed the time together. I know i don't take the time to spend one on one time with my kids and i need too.

We were able to spend some time just talking and laughing with out any one around to bother us or mess that up. It was a great 3 days. Then the wife and 4 year old showed backup. And it went to hell in a handbasket.
I don't know why that happens but it does. It seems like the wife and I argue all the time. I even told her over the weekend that I can't live like that anymore. I can't stand fighting and arguing all the time and it is not good for the kids. I don't want our girls growing up thinking that arguing and cussing each other are normal behavior. I don't want them to get married and think it is o.k. to talk to thier husbands that way. or worse yet allow a man to talk down to them.

You know i think i know what we need and that is to go back to church and try an be better people. I know alot of folks don't think that helps anything out, but i really believe that being involved in church and getting closer to God can really help your home life out.

Well enough of me today.


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