Thursday, February 10, 2005


Its a damn shame that we all have to work for a living! But i guess not everybody can be born into money. I have had several jobs in my life time, but not really any careers. I guess i am a perfect example of why you should go to school and get a degree.

My first job- I worked for an old man doing what every he needed me to do for, get this 1.00 per hour. Yep that is right one big fat green dollar per hour! I would mow his intire yard for 100 pennies. I would rake his yard for 2 fifty cent pieces! The only real good thing about the job is that on saturdays i would get to ride for an hour each direction in the back of his truck and get paid for it.

See he bought fire wood from other guys for 15.00 a rick and then would haul it to the big city and sell it for 40.00 to 50.00 dollars a rick. If you did not grow up in the country or did not have a fire place, a rick is the measurement that most people sell wood in.

So now that i have went on and on about nothing, i now work for a small company sitting behind a computer all day. Being bored out of my mind!
Oh but one good thing i am writing all this blog from work, so it aint to bad!


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