Thursday, November 17, 2005

Life Is good

Wow i never realized just how happy you can be living on a porch. My daughter and I are sleeping on a enclosed patio. Yes we have heat. Yes we have access to the running water and the lights and most important to the kitchen!

I never knew that I was so fucking unhappy! I know I have bitched alot on here about the way things were going in my life and at my unhappy home, but I don't think I knew just how bad it really was. I know that I get to take my daughter to school every day. I know i get to see her every afternoon as soon as i get home from work. I know that she is alot happier on that porch than she was living with the evil bitch I called my wife!

She enjoys her new school and her new friends. She looks forward to going to school and coming home and spending some time with her old fat daddy. I now know that i neglected my girls alot in the last 10 years or so. I know I can't get those years back but I can make the best of the time we get to be together now.
Well I was able to speak to an old friend this morning and it was very nice. I hope i continue to get to be friends with them.
And I want you all to know that if your relationship in shitty. Flush it and get the hell out! Life is to short to be unhappy!!!


At Fri Nov 18, 06:28:00 AM CST, Blogger Jamie said...

I am so glad your happy! I, too, have ended a relationship, and can't believe I'm not upset, but quite giddy!

I feel like I cut the cancer out, and have life ahead of me.

Rock on baby!

At Sat Nov 19, 02:38:00 AM CST, Blogger Sugar said...

Hey its so good to hear you talk like this, all the Best for you and your daughter...xx


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