Well Not much happening here!
Well not much happening around these parts. The women search is still on and damn if I am not having the worst luck! I just don't know what it takes to find a female friend. I did not follow the advice I was given and try a few of the ladies at work. Just not sure that is the best idea right now. I really am not sure getting your bread and your meat in the same place is really a good idea.
I know that I dont work that closely with those women, but I sure would hate to ruin a good working enviorment with a nasty break up or some hard feelings.
I am trying the ole internet dating sites that I have tried in the past, i have made a few connections but nothing to write home about. Chatted with a few online but have just not been able to get together with them, maybe it is me and maybe they just have a real busy life right now. I guess I should not rush it, something good will turn up soon i hope!
The girls are doing fine and are enjoying getting to sleep late and stay up late, they have spent time with thier mom and with my sisters so they really have not been here that much this summer. Damn I really miss them when they are gone.
Work is about the same, always happy to get up and go to work almost every day. So that is about it, not much else to report.