Wednesday, June 29, 2005

More life ahead

Well it has only been a few days, but life at home is fantastic. You know make up sex is some of the best sex around. I know that sex for the first time with someone new can be outstanding, exploring all the curves and bends and places that get your lover excited. The exploring and trying new and different things.

But sex with someone that you have loved and been with for awhile (to me) is some of the best and most exciting sex there is. You know what your lover wants and where they like to be touched, and where they dont like to be touched. The kissing and licking, the rubbing and nibbling in just the right places really does the trick for me. I like knowing my lover inside and out, and it dont hurt that your in love with that person and you really care about there pleasure. I know that may sound strange coming from a man, but i really like to please my wife, and i really like it when she gets off.

One thing i would like to mention here today, no matter how bad life seems there is always someone that is in a worse way than you are. We each deal with things differently and we all feel at times like life is a little overwhelming. But keep your head up and try to reach your goals and dreams, because anything is possible if you really want it.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Another bend in the road

Well i have moved back home, the wife and i have decided that we want to work this out. YEAH!
If anyone reads this blog you will know that i am not the most stable man in the world. I have had wierd, funny and some down right strange things happen in my life.

This is my 3rd marriage, and will be my last. Hopefully it will be a lasting succesful marriage. I love my wife with all my heart, and i really missed her for the few days i was gone. We have alot of issues to work thru, but the most important one is communication.

You can never talk to much about what is going on in your life. I think i have come to terms with the fact that i have a control issue. I want everything to work my way and it is just not possible.
Your lover should be with you because they want to be, not because you think they have to be.

At my age you would think i would have learned that i am only in control of myself and i dont do a very good job of that most of the time. It is something i need to work on to keep my family together. I am not anywhere close to perfect and i never will be.

Sure she has some things she needs to work on also, but this time i will take the blame for the things that have been wrong in our relationship. I will make the changes i need to make, no matter what happens.

So wish us luck!

Friday, June 24, 2005

New day

Well a new day has begun, looks like the 3rd one is way over. Have started moving out, and will try and get the last of my things out this weekend. And you know what, i big wieght is off my shoulders.
I am living with a buddy of mine for the time being, it is nice to come home and not fight and argue, or worry about where you spouse is at or who she is with. And to know that the only thing you have to do is worry about you and nothing else.
I am sure at times i will get lonely, and i may even think every once in awhile that i miss her, but in the long run i will be alot better off.

I will have time for my kids again, i can spend time and money on them and not fell quilty about it, i realize that all the relationships i have had since i split up with thier mom 11 years ago, have not been good for my girls. They have seen and heard things that they never should have.

Kids grow up to fast now days anyway and all i have done is give them bad ideas to think about.
I really owe them an apology and hope i can repair the damage that i have done.
So wish me luck on this new chapter of my life, and pray for my kids, maybe they will turn out right inspite of the way i have taught them.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Back in the saddle

Well like i said in the last post, looks like i am ready to end marriage number 3.
Or should i say that the future ex wife is. I know i have said that i dont really feel like i am relationship material.
That is not really true. I have tried to work this one out, i loved this one and i am not sure i can say that i have really ever loved any woman.
Oh sure i loved them for short periods of time, while they were sweet and putting out LMAO.

Seriously, why is it so hard to find someone that wants to be a family and can spend time with the kids? What makes someone in there 40's think that smoking pot and drinking all the time is ok? I think there comes a time in your life when you have to grow up and forget about all the kiddie games.

Maybe it is just me, but the world is going to hell in a handbasket and no one seems to notice!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

What the _ _ _ _?

I guess that blogger ate my last 2 posts! I did have a couple that did not show up for some reason and i am not sure where they went!
Well it is another hot one here today! Around mid 90's and humid as hell. But i guess it could be worse.
Dont have much to say today, and from the looks of things i am the only one reading this blog! But i will keep typing any way. Live at home is about the same, it sucks, i think marriage number 3 is fast turning into divorce number 3. I dont know what it is about me, but i just dont think i am the long term relationship type.
I am not even sure what that is! I think i need to spend some time by myself and figure out what makes me happy. Or maybe nothing does!