Monday, October 31, 2005

I'm back

Ok i'm back. Took last week off work for a little sit at home and do nothing vacation. Well actually I played Mr. Mom. My wife had to go out of town for some training for her job. So i stayed home to take care of the girls. But i only had one girl at home, my oldest. My wife's youngest stayed with her grandmother.

So I had the chance to spend some time with my daughter, which was a good thing. We really needed the time together. I know i don't take the time to spend one on one time with my kids and i need too.

We were able to spend some time just talking and laughing with out any one around to bother us or mess that up. It was a great 3 days. Then the wife and 4 year old showed backup. And it went to hell in a handbasket.
I don't know why that happens but it does. It seems like the wife and I argue all the time. I even told her over the weekend that I can't live like that anymore. I can't stand fighting and arguing all the time and it is not good for the kids. I don't want our girls growing up thinking that arguing and cussing each other are normal behavior. I don't want them to get married and think it is o.k. to talk to thier husbands that way. or worse yet allow a man to talk down to them.

You know i think i know what we need and that is to go back to church and try an be better people. I know alot of folks don't think that helps anything out, but i really believe that being involved in church and getting closer to God can really help your home life out.

Well enough of me today.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Still here

Still here
Sorry about the lack of posting. Have not really had anything to exciting to post about. Not a lot going on.

Still having lovely cool weather, man it is the best. I don’t know why I like this weather so much, or how cool dreary days can make a person so happy but it sure does the trick for me. Maybe it is because I am getting older or maybe it is because I am fatter but I really can’t take the hot weather very well. Than and I don’t really like to be all sweaty.
I am sure women don’t really like to see old fat sweaty men, of course if there are any out there that do, please look me up! LOL

Well work is still great, been here over 6 months now, seems like it was only yesterday that I started. I really do enjoy it here and am glad I found a job like this one.

Weekend was ok, I did make the chili and it was good, and fired up the smoker, meat came out ok. But seemed to be a little on the dry side.
Kids sure pigged out on it though.

Life at home is about as shitty as it can be. Fought with the wife most of the weekend and found out yesterday that she is losing her job. She wants to move closer to where I work, but I am not sure that I want her to move anywhere with me. I just don’t think this is going to last much longer and I really don’t care if it does.

I know that I am blessed every day that I don’t live in any of the areas that have been over come with devastation. I think we all need to appreciate what we have every day and be thankful for our families and our lives.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

The cool weather is

The cool weather is here!!!
I love this cool weather we are having. It is 9:30 in the morning and it is only 49 degrees outside! I love it! I have been waiting all year for some nice cool weather. I slept with the window open last night and the fan going and man was it nice sleeping weather.
I sleep so much better when It is cool in the room and I have a light blanket covering me up.
Slept like a baby. Or maybe more like a big ole bear that was hibernating. Either way I woke up refreshed today and hit the floor running.

Ok maybe I was not running, but I was happy to be alive for another day and ready to get the day started. I did leave work for work about 30 minutes later than I usually do but it was because I was so happy lying in that bed.

Can’t wait to cook a big pot of chili this weekend and maybe fire the smoker up. Nothing like some nice cool weather and some good eating. I know it sure seems to put people in a better mood when the weather is cool and the leaves are turning, and you can cuddle up with a loved one.

I have been checking this guy out a little and her blogs some really funny stuff. Check him out if you need a good laugh.
Have a wonderful day

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Just another day

Just another day
Well it is just another day. Nothing-special going on around here. Nothing new to tell.
I am glad to be back at work today. I was sicker than a dog yesterday. I guess I had some kind of stomach flu or a virus or something. It was really bad! I hate being sick, I am hardly ever sick.
And I hate trying to find something good to watch on daytime t.v.  There is nothing to watch on the boob tube during the day. And the only decent show on day time t.v.
Jerry springer, I missed because I was sleeping!

I do feel much better today, at least I am able to eat with out sitting on the crapper all day. I know that was to much info. Well I guess I will try to get some work done, so see you all later.