Friday, September 30, 2005

OK Now what

O.K. Now what
I don’t really have anything interesting to post about today.  Have not posted for a few days, and can’t think of anything important to post about today.

I guess when I started this I had intended to post about past experiences that made me the man I am today. I guess I got a little off track posting about other things. But since it is my blog I guess I can post about anything I want too. So I will continue to post about stupid things I do, and that happen to me.

Well looks like the hurricanes have caused the price of gas to go back up, it is 2.79 a gallon here this morning. It went up .15 a gallon yesterday. Man that is a kick in the ass. It was down to 2.45 a gallon last week. I don’t know how those hurricanes are driving the price up but I sure hope they quit.

The weather here is lovely! Some of that good ole roll down the window and enjoy the fresh air kind of weather. I love riding in the car with the windows down. And tonight it should be down to about 60 for the high school football game! Can’t wait!
Well have a good weekend and don’t get into to much trouble, and if you do, email me about it!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Here I am

Here I am

Yep here I am again. Sitting here at work, I should be working but I don’t have anything to do right now. I can’t of any other job I have had where I was not busy most of the day. But for some reason with this job the last few weeks have been really slow. I guess that is a good thing, or maybe it means that we have been doing a good job at keeping the place running smoothly.  I can’t really believe that but maybe it is the truth.

So I am sitting her bored trying to find something fun to do, at work or on the net. And damn the internet is even boring today. Maybe I am just in a mood.

I know the weather here is turning around. Tomorrow it may not even get out of the 70’s! I can’t wait for some nice cool weather. I need some of that sleep with the windows open at night weather. Some of that roll down the car window and feel that cool breeze.

Took my girls to a high school football game Friday night. First one I have been to in a long time. Our team won, and I had the chance to visit with a lot of old friends. It was a great time, except for the hot weather, so that is another good thing about the weather cooling off. I love sitting an watching a good high school game in the cool fall air.

Ok all this talk about the weather turning cooler has me in a lot better mood, damn I am easy.

Monday, September 26, 2005

A new week

A new week

Yep we made it thru another weekend. Still kicking, no injuries or anything like that. Kids where good and did not have to hang any of them from there toes! So all In all it was a good weekend.
With the exception of the wife, as usual she showed her ass and acted like a 3 year old. I don’t know what it is about us having all the kids at the same time, but it sure puts a strain on our relationship.
We seem to fight the worst when all the kids are at the house. I don’t know maybe we play favoritism or some thing like that. I know it sure is getting old.  
It may not sound like me, but I really hate to fight all the time. I would really rather get along with my spouse and not put the kids thru the cussing and name calling. But I don’t know if we will ever get along.

Well looks like the hurricane did not do near as much damage as was expected. I am sure that the folks in the line of fire are glad. I just don’t understand how people could choose to live in New Orleans. I would be out of that place so quick it would make your head spin.
I did hear on the news that the suspect that only have the folks will return to the town when the water level gets back to normal. Wow that is a lot of folks not returning.
Well enough for me today.
Have a good one

Friday, September 23, 2005

Friday Friday Friday

Friday Friday Friday
Yep we made it thru another week, maybe it to the weekend again. I guess it pays to live in tornado alley and not on the beach.  I think I would a lot rather crawl down in a hole and hide from a tornado-than pack up my junk and wait for 14 hours to get out of my town.
I sure not wish to trade places with those folks in Texas.  Of course being a Okie I don’t ever want to trade places with someone from Texas!

Yep Oklahoma and texas have long had a big football rivalry.  The red river shoot out. Of course I think it is a few weeks away. But I am sure the folks in Houston and that part of texas are surely not worried about a football game.

Yep I think if I lived in hurricane country I would maybe think about finding me a new place to lay my head, and not just for the hurricane season. I just can’t see where the sun and fun can we worth that much. Hell I don’t like to move at all, so I am sure I would not enjoy leaving my house every few weeks because a hurricane might be coming. Of course I am not sure I would want to get in my attic and wait for the flood waters to rise either!

Well have all the kids this weekend so it should be a fun time! Little league football games and picnics planned. And try to get some sleep, but cant always do that! LOL

Well have a great weekend and don’t get into to much trouble!

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Hump Day

Hump Day
Well it is hump day! 2 more work days and the week is over. Well 3 if you include the rest of today. Don’t have much to say today. Not much going on to blog about.

Does anyone know where the hump day saying started? I looked on the net a little but did not really come up with anything.

Work is about the same, still trying to get by, and not piss the whinny ladies around here off! And damn that is really hard for me. Seems like I just rub people the wrong way.
I know it is hard to believe but I guess I do.

Well have a happy hump day.

Monday, September 19, 2005



Ok some back ground. I live in a very small town, with about 2000 people maybe on a good day. I work in a college town, with lots of co-eds. I know I am an old fat man but I still like to look at the co-eds.

There is a very popular, world-renowned place to eat burgers and drink beer in this town. That place just happens to have a free keg of beer at 4:30 on Friday afternoons.

So you see the problem here? I just happened to take a trip to this place with a couple buds from work on Friday about 3:30. Yes the free keg does not start until 4:30, but why wait. So Friday afternoon by 7:00 I was wasted and about 50 miles from home.
So what did I do? I drove home, changed clothes and hit the small town bar, but I only had a few. I mean I was home by 3:00 Saturday morning.

The thing I can’t understand is why the wife wont talk to me??? I mean maybe I should have called her and invited her to the bar, but she was at a friend’s house!

Well I learned my lesson; if you want it to be peaceful and quiet at your house all weekend, just don’t come home until Saturday morning!!!

Friday, September 16, 2005



Ok enough of that hurricane-Bush is a bum talk. It is Friday folks, the best day of the week for the Monday thru Friday crowd. If you have to work weekends then Friday is just another day for you. Luckily I have weekends off so Friday is a big thing to me.

I have been the help desk person in my department all week can you imagine me as the first line of contact for a department??? Yea it is a scary thought.
I mean an asshole like me taking calls and delegating work orders. I was really scary for some folks around here. Of course I just turned on the charm, and put on my happy to talk to your dumbass phone voice and it was all well.

Don’t have any real big plans for the weekend. Probably just some beer and maybe some smoked meats. Not really sure yet. I do know that I will watch some football, I love the football Saturdays. Nothing better than watch some sports on the ole boob tube. Well watching boobs on the boob tube would be better, but the wife seems to frown on that!

Thanks for all your comments on the last post, I am glad we can agree to disagree sometimes. And cutie I don’t really think the prez thinks he can control the weather! Now if it was a female prez I am sure she would be able to control it!!!!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

A rant straight ahead

A rant straight ahead

Ok this may lose me some readers and if it does I am sorry. I just can’t continue to sit quietly by and watch this happen. I think it is a terrible thing, and it pisses me off.
I know that everyone is entitled to there own opinion, and so am I.

What am I talking about, what is it that has me so upset? Well it is the abuse that the president is taking. I don’t think it is fair to blame the president of the us of a for a natural disaster. I know that he is in charge of the world’s strongest military. I know that he is in control of one of the world’s biggest countries, but how in the hell do you expect a man to control the weather? I realize that maybe he did not respond to the needs of those people as quick as some folks think he should have. But he is taking the blame for that.

I mean you live in a city that is a foot above sea level, and there is a hurricane coming and you just expect to sit in your living room and not be bothered? I live in a state known for
Tornadoes and when the weather man comes on the boob tube and says that a tornado is coming……………we don’t just sit in the house looking out of the window waiting for it to blow us away. We get our Asses up and go to the storm shelter. It only makes sense to do that.

I do feel sorry for the people that have lost their homes and there love ones, but I don’t feel sorry for the dumbasses that did not try and get the hell out of there!
And I damn sure don’t think G.W. is to blame for them being homeless.
If this post has upset you, or you feel like I am dick because of it then all I can say is
Bite My Ass!

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My fish

Could not think of anything else to post about today, so i decided to show you a pic of my favorite fish. Ok that is not a pic of my actual fish. But it is a pic of the kind of fish i have.
That is a clown loach. I have a 75 gallon tank and i have 2 of those in my tank. They are about
4 or 5 inches long now. They were only about an inch when i got them.
They are the coolest fish, they swim around and dig at the bottom of the tank. Always moving as fast as they can.
They hide in a fake stump i have in the tank, of course they are so big now that the tail sticks out sometimes when they are hiding.

We have about 15 fish all together in our tank, but those are my favorite ones. I have owned about 5 of them all together, and if i ever had a place big enough i would have a tank of loaches.

I know this is a litte of the beaten path for me, a little far from the usual post i do, but i was watching those fishes last night and decided that i would post about them today.
Lets face it fish are some cool pets, you dont have to walk them, you can feed them every few days. And it dont matter what the weather is like, fishes are always up for some play time.
Well that is it for today

Monday, September 12, 2005

Ok sorry for the delay

Sorry about the no post thing. I was off sick thursday and was playing catch up on friday and just did not post.
Don't worry it was just a sinus infection or something like that. I feel alot better today and was pretty good this weekend.

Had all the kiddo's this weekend took them to a little league football game and to a balloon fest. So they had some fun. Not much else to report. Just wanted you to know that i am still alive, I will try to thank of something really good to post tomorrow, but dont count on it!

Wednesday, September 07, 2005


Ok i have nothing at all to post about today, nothing, nada. Can't think of anything exciting, or amusing or intresting.
I guess i am having a no-brain day. I woke up this morning, so i guess that is a good thing. I was able to get out of bed so that is another good thing.
I have been instructed to blog about my daughter living with me, well this is not the first time she has lived with me.
I had both girls when i first divorced there mother, up until about 3 years ago. So her living with me is not really anything new. She is a good girl and luckily she does not act much like her father. Well she does when it comes to being a smartass and running her mouth. I know it is hard to believe the i am a smartass, or that i would run my mouth but i have done those things a few times.

She is a freshman in high school this year, she wants to go to school to be a veternarian and has for as long as i can remember. She love anamils and always has. She had a snake for about 2 years. Until it died. She has never met a
dog, cat or horse that she did not try and pet.
She really is a good girl, and i will keep those boys away as much as i can. Well i think i will act like i am working now, so until tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's a good day

Well when you get to my age, any day that you wake up and can get out of bed is a good day! O.k. maybe i am not that old yet, or in quite that bad of shape. But somedays it does feel the way. And some days it feels even worse. Maybe it is my lack of exercise and my enjoyment at the dinner table that makes me that way.

No really it is a good day, looks like may dad is going to get out of the hospital soon. He is completly off the respirator and is breathing on his own. He will have to take some meds for his heart, but it sure beats being
6 feet under. So maybe i will get the chance to get to know him again, and let him get to know my girls.

But the best news oldest has moved back in with me!!! YEA
Yep things were just more than she could handle at her moms house so she called me yesterday and asked if she could move back in with me, of course i said yes. I did explain to her that i want her to stay until she graduates from high school. She agreed that sounds like a good idea. So my baby is back home and things are looking up!
Well have a wonderful day folks

Monday, September 05, 2005

Workin on the holiday

Yep its a monday and a holiday and i am working, but who really cares. I would rather be here than at home and i am sure my wife feels the same way. Of course working a holiday does pay better than straight time. The boss is gone for the day and the place is almost empty. I am sitting here blogging and listening to the radio, so i guess working on a holiday is not such a bad thing.

Had a pretty boring weekend, sat around the house saturday and sunday, glued to the boob tube. Wife had to work saturday. I did have a good time friday night, buddy of mine has access to a pool and keg beer, so we went for a swim and drank mass quanities of beer. His wife was our designated driver and she did a fine job. So i spent the night sleeping on there floor, of course as much as i had to drink, it was not a problem at all.
Got home about 9:30 saturday morning. I guess the wife did not appreciate me spending the night away from home.
But i thought it alot better idea than trying to drive home 50 miles drunk!

Well not much else going on today, so have a good holiday.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Here it is again, Friday!

Well we made it thur another week. I don't know about you guys but it seems like time is hauling ass. Just yesterday it was Monday and now we are at the end of the week again. Where is all the time going? Damn i must be getting really old, maybe i am sleeping thru some of the week.
But since i decided to give up copenhagen i am sure my co-workers would agree that they have heard my mouth running every day this week.
I have been a little off the last week or so, i guess i am breaking the spell of that nasty stinky shit! Of course i did love it for along time, hell it was around thru both my first 2 marriages and right into the current one. Not sure how much long it will last, but at least i won't have stanky breath when i end this one! LOL
Hey added another blog to my list Cutie she has a really stressful job and does not update everyday, but when she does she has some cool stuff to say, so go by and check her out.

I ended a friendship this week, that would have turned into alot more i am sure, she was not very happy about it and thinks i lead her on. But i think i did her a favor by ending it, this way she does not have to put up with my lies and cheating ways. I know i have a problem being faithful and probably always will. I don't know what it is about me. But i picked the name morallytwisted for a reason. I think it really describes the things i do in my life and the feelings i have inside of me. It is not just a name, but a way of life for me. That is a hard thing to admit
publicly, but it is me and that is just the way i am.
I dont deserve a person that is good and whole. I need a snake in the grass like myself who would always be looking for the next new guy to come along. It is a shitty thing to say about your self, but i just think it is something that i need to say, and something that some day i may try to fix. But not today!