Friday, March 24, 2006

It's friday friday friday

Yep I made it to friday again. Man I feel much better at the end of this week than I did at the beginning. The ole belly is feeling much better. But the wife is sick now, of course I did talk to her this morning and she said that she feels much better.

I don't know if that shit is going around all over the country or just in our neck of the woods, but I sure hope you don't get it.
No one likes being sick, and no one wants to be sick over the weekend. Don't have to much planned this weekend, do want to fire the smoker up and cook something good. And will probably drink a few cold ones.
Well have a wonderful weekend

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Damn I hate being sick

Sorry about not posting, but I have been sick since saturday. Last week I was dragging a little but thought it was just from being busy at work. My sister picked the girls up friday for a girls day out, they went shopping and to the movies and then spent the night with her. I hung out at the house and planned on going to see the wife on saturday.

Well I did go to see her, but was there about an hour and left for home. I felt shitty. And I was by the time i got home. I hate spending the weekend on the pot, with crippling diarrhea. I know that is TMI. But damn I hate being sick. I came to work yesterday and only stayed until about

I was wore out, felt like a truck ran over me. I never did throw-up or even have a headache. Just the shits!

But I am much better now. Feel almost like my self again. You know another thing I hate and that is having an ex wife. The mother of my children must be on crack! She called me last night and went off. I just love it when someone your not married too anymore thinks they can tell you what you should be doing. How the kids should be raised and what they should do when they dont even live with her anymore.
I dont really know what her problem is, but it sure dont involve me anymore!

Well thats it for today.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Is it friday yet???

Damn this has been the week from hell at work. Our boss is leaving at the end of next week for a new job. He and the network admin have decided to have a race to see just how many new softwares we can install in a week.
They are trying to roll out 3 new versions and have them all installed by today. Well guess what it ain't happening! I have been all over this hospital this week and I am ready for some days off!

Have to go out and have a few cold beers tonight. Not sure I will have any green ones, but I will drink a few. I have the girls for the next 2 weekends. We are going to visit the wife this weekend at her place. Then I guess she will need to come to my house next weekend. I need some extra cash so I need to take call.

Things are still going good for us, still working thru some things but this time I think it will really work out for us now. I sure hope so.
Well not much else to report around here. It looks to be just as busy the next few weeks here at work so if I don't post everyday you will know why.
Have a wonderful weekend and try not to drink to much.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Its Tuesday

That title is for those of you who forget what day of the week it is. Yep it is not monday and it is not friday. It is another of those days in the middle of the week to fill up time between monday and friday.

Well I had a wonderful weekend with the wife, and have been staying with her the last few nights. The kids are all on spring break and they are with there other parents so we have had a few days and nights alone. So you know what we been doing!

Not much else to blog about, seems like I have really hit a dead spot on this blog. I just don't seem to have to much to complain about, or anything really intresting to tell you. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Well since I can't think of any good shit to blog about, I guess I am out of here!

Friday, March 10, 2006

It's Finally Friday!

Yep we made it to friday again. And it has been a hell of a week. With all the stuff that happened earlier this week at work, and I have a sick kid at home. Yep the oldest one has the flu or something like it. She has been laid up in bed the last few days.
But I think she may pull out of it today. I did get her some different meds this morning so I hope they help her. I hate seeing one of the girls sick.
And lets hope the rest of us don't come down with it!

Not much else to blog about. Nothing really exciting going on. I know I have been really boring you guys lately. Sorry but I guess my life is just not as exciting to blog about as it was before the wife and I decided to work things out. Of course we have been having alot of excitment together. But really don't feel like telling the world about that.

Well thats it for now. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Still kicking

Wow the last few days have been eventful. I worked on monday, not to much to blog about that day. Our network admin said that he needed someone to come in about 1:00 am tuesday morning to let a guy into our server room to do some pm on our ups. Well I showed up about
12:40 he got started about 12:45 and at 2:00 a.m. the entire server room went dead! No power at all. I had to call the boss and the network admin and other network guys.

We were all here from 3:00 am until 6:00 am with no systems working at all. We had to start all our systems up at 6:00 on house power to get the hospital up and running.
I was beat, and went home about 8:00 yesterday morning and did not come back until this morning. So that is the reason that I was awol yesterday.

Today looks like alot better day, everything seems to be up and working. Not to many problems to report. I know I sure have got used to sleeping at night. It was a bitch trying to sleep yesterday. Dogs barking, phone ringing. I guess you just get used to sleeping during the night. I used to work nighs and never had a problem sleeping during the day. But yesterday was a different story. Hell I even went to bed at 9:00 last night because I was so tired.

Well not much else to blog about around here.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Monday at the crazy house

Well we had to show up for work again today. Yep I know it sucks, but we do have to pay some bills and we do like to eat. So unless your rich, you had to show up for work today.
I really don't mind being here. Hell the more I am here, the more I realize that I ain't the crazy one in this town.
I am not sure that I don't work in a mental hospital. Hell maybe I am a patient! No really things are not to bad around here today. I was glad to get up and come to work, of course at my age I am always glad to wake up.

I had a fantastic weekend with the wife. We had some good eats and lots of laughs and of course we spent some time in the sack getting to know each other a little better. It is amazing to me that after knowing each other almost 4 years that we still get into each other the way we do.
It was a wonderful time.

Well that is about it for me today

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Ok I guess I should post something

Yes I am still alive, and yes I am still the fun loving twisted person I was before the wife came back. I have just really been busy at work. I am carrying the pager again this week. And have had a few nights where I was up until 2:00 am and that sure makes the days long.
Of course I do enjoy the extra money. Went over to my buddies last night for some steaks and basketball. We watched the Texas-Texas a&m game. It was a real nail bitter.
That game was just as exciting as the OU-OSU game a few nights ago.

The stupid bitch at work has been up to her normal bullshit ways. We had a little go at it yesterday in front of the boss. He is on his way out so I am sure he will just try and let it all ride until he is gone.
I don't know why they let her dumbass keep working here, she is nothing to look at and dumb as a box of rocks. Maybe she is the enertainment around here!

Things with the wife are going fantastic. I am spending the weekend with her this weekend. Just the 2 of us, so it should nice and sweaty!

Well that is it for now.